Sunday, May 8, 2011

Educational Article #1

    The first thing that comes up when you write international advertising into google search is article labled as;
Section 5.2, Article 31

International Advertising

Susan P. Douglas and C. Samuel Craig
New York University
Stern School of Business

            This article firstly describes the meaning of International Advertising and and then it separates it into different parts Int. Ads as a Communication Process where the main concern is about the use of  interantional ads in diffent cultures, the miss interpretation by languale, cultural values, images , or moods. Givig example of
 „American Dairy Association entered Mexico with its "Got Milk?" Campaign, the Spanish translation read "Are You Lactating?"” 1 .
            Next part of this article is internationa advertising as a business practice, it shortly describes the advantage of business going globaly, for instance the image they use to propagate their product to be the same so everyone can easly see the conection, the text or any additional parts can be changed but it is important to keep at least one ( the major one preferable) aspoect the same. In „means of building a strong and coherent global image”2
            Then there are two part interational advertising as a industry and international advertising as a social force-  both of them talk about primary and secundary ways of advertising and marketing strategies and include a graph from 1997 which is not really usefull unless we would like to know about the past and posiblly wanted to compare with todays numbers, and see if there is any follow up or significant change. Also both of these parts are mostly concentrated on the US outcames, since they state that yearly theres about 400 billion dollars put into andvertising and about a half is in US.

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